Category Archives: Poetry

The Blind Mice That Couldn’t See

While the Piper Piped,
The Emperor wore his clothes.
Dancing Naked? No one griped,
Cause the rhythm and growing nose.

Swirling, Twirling, Lauding about,
As the Emperor thought he decreed.
While the Puppet Master picked the route,
Gaining Trust, Power, in a Lust for greed.

The numbers grew the dog chased his tail,
I heard a voice, A measure of wheat for a penny,
I thought it was a spool of thread in braille,
For the Emperor said it was the land of plenty.

Enchanted, bewitched the Piper Played aloud,
Lady Liberty saw the Emperor in red, white, and blue.
While Mother Earth took Alice from the crowd,
Uncle Sam or was it the Emperor, the one are two.

Walls came down Humpty crashed to the ground,
Boundaries dissolved Mister Geppetto worked the strings.
Was the Emperor naked? No he was gowned,
Wow what beauty! Look at these ten kings.

Maestro! Maestro! Pipe for us again and again!
The Emperor stammered and clapped with demand.
While the Lady in Purple and Scarlet sinned and sinned!
What a beautiful Scarlet Beast on the horizon spanned!

O’ what a Golden Cup of intoxication, she thrived!
Vampires and Necromancers, Sorceries and blood.
The Dragon Played the pipe and strings as contrived!
The rush of compliance some defiance, a raging flood.

The age of the wise the day of fools look to the skies.
Ark of the Testament thunderings, lightnings and voices.
On Earth Tremblings, shakings, screamings, and eerie cries!
Time has run out for those with his mark, no more choices!

Continue to follow the Piper and the Emperor with no clothes,
This may be the destined path for you because you love the tune.
Watchers on the Wall standing tall with Oil in Lamps not Froze,
For the bridegroom Jesus Christ the Word of God is coming soon!

The Bridegroom cometh!

The Bridegroom cometh!
The Silly Virgins are at play.

The Bridegroom cometh!
They say probably not today.

The Bridegroom cometh!
The Silly Virgins are at play.

The Bridegroom cometh!
They say what we do is ok.

The Bridegroom cometh!
The Silly Virgins are at play.

The Bridegroom cometh!
They say we’ve not been led astray.

The Bridegroom cometh!
The Silly Virgins are at play.

The Bridegroom cometh!
They say why has He turned us away?